Introducing Parker Eldercare!

By Allyson Fion | Apr 30, 2021

Categories: Medicaid planning, asset protection, long term care, estate recovery, advanced planning, Winston Salem, North Carolina, NC.

Do you need long term care?

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation estimates that over 50% of older adults are projected to require significant long-term care services and support after the age of 65. Across the US, Medicaid is the principal payer for long-term care services, however the road to qualifying for Medicaid coverage can be a long and confusing journey. But it doesn’t have to be!

How can Parker Eldercare help?

At Parker Eldercare, we offer a comprehensive approach to long term care planning to meet your every need. We specialize in advanced planning for long term care, and with crisis planning for elders and the disabled needing placement in Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Home facilities in the near future. 

Parker Eldercare is adept at assessing our clients’ unique needs and creating in-depth, bullet-proof planning for even the most complex of life situations.  We can either handle the entire Medicaid application process from start to finish, or we can focus on the asset qualification tasks up front, and then tailor a step by step guide for you to file the Medicaid application yourself.  In partnership with Vance Parker Law, PLLC, we can assist our clients in protecting their home from Medicaid Estate Recovery and in obtaining the legal documents recommended when a loved one needs care.

Who are we?

Parker Eldercare is co-founded by the mother-daughter team of Karen Parker and Allyson Fion. Karen Parker is a retired CPA with over thirty years of experience, and Allyson Fion is a Northwestern graduate with expertise in business management and customer care.  And of course, when legal services are needed to fortify and execute your long term care plan, we are lucky to have attorney Vance Parker to help our clients.

If you or a loved one think you might need long term care soon or in the future, now is the time to put your planning in place. Get ahead of common Medicaid qualification obstacles, protect your assets, and plan for a future on your terms, with a trusted partner in Parker Eldercare.